Join us on your

Belize Birding Vacation

Belize birds and Belize Bird guides, Belize Birding lodges See our colorful Belize birds on your Belize Birding Trip, Belize.

Migratory birds arrive in Belize normally around Sept and stay until Mid April/ May.

We have plenty of colorful  Belize birds to see while birding in Belize.  You can easily see at least 15 species simply by the dining area at deck at Crystal Paradise.

You may also join us on the many Belize birding day trips we offer or better yet our multiday Belize birding tours across Belize for as long as 8 to 12 days.

One of the greatest attractions of Belize birds and other tropical birds is the brilliance of their plumage. A birder from North America, where male birds are often much more colorful than the females, may be surprised to find that the sexes of most richly plumaged tropical species, including tanagers, parrots, and orioles, are alike or similar.  Many of the more brilliantly colored birds tend to frequent the upper levels of the forest and open country, whereas those that inhabit the dimly lit undergrowth mostly wear dark, dull colors, often with attractively barred or streaked patterns. Birds such as the Barred Antshrike and Dotted-wing Antwren have contrasting areas of white buff and or black that are normally concealed but can be strikingly exposed in display.

Come birding in Belize with us

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