Minimum of 2 persons $249 | 4 or more persons $195
The cockscomb wildlife sanctuary is located in southern Belize in the Stann Creek district and is home to the largest spotted cat in the world the Jaguar. The forest within the Belize Jaguar reserve consists of tropical moist forest. The area is generally humid due to the amount of rainfall and very little wind. There is an extensive trail system at Cockscomb and trail leading up to Victoria Peak the second tallest mountain in Belize surpassed by Doyles Delight which is further south of Belize. In the early 1980 concerned for the jaguars was raised by a number of farmers in the area that saw Jaguars in their orchards. This area of Belize is mostly know for the cultivation of citrus.
Assistant Director of the international Division of the New York Zoological, ran across references to jaguars in Belize hunting Magazine. He was in contact with a lady Dora Weyes which suggested to ask if Belize Audubon Society would be interest in a study of the Jaguars in Belize. A man by the name of Alan Rabinowitz who was a graduate student at the time was asked to determine the population of Jaguars in Belize.
He conducted ecological studies in the area from 1982 to 84. It was then observed that the highest density of Jaguar ever recorded found here. It was initially declared a forest reserve in 1984 and no hunting signs were places at access points to protect the Jaguar and other wildlife. In 1988 to wardens were hired to watch this Belize Reserve. The Jaguar Reserve is being managed by the Belize Audubon Society.
Hundred species of birds, plants, exotic flowers, Mammals and other living things have been recorded here. Certainly, a great place for Birding in Belize
What to Bring: binoculars, camera, water, you can request your pack lunch from the day before for US$15/pp